What We’re About…

We are so excited about the turn out of filmmakers and fans for this year’s events. It begs the question…what is the Austin Revolution Film Festival about? It’s about true indie films and making the filmmakers the star of the fest and showing the audience that there are good stories out there if you go and look for them.


For fans, we want to expose them to the world of indie film that maybe they don’t even know exists. What these films lack in huge budgets they make up for in story, heart, innovation and honesty. We always talk about remakes and sequels. Come see the alternative to those.


For filmmakers, we try to make everything about the festival truly about YOU. You guys are the stars. You’ll be on the panels. I’m not interested in having some guy who played a killer in some B horror flick 30 years ago show up to take the spotlight away when, at the end of the day, he’s not relevant anymore. You (the filmmakers) are relevant.


We built this fest based on fests we’ve seen do things right. We’ve also based a lot of it on the fests that do it wrong. We’re not going to nickel and dime you. We’re going to keep building this event and making it an event where you can expose your film to new audiences, but more importantly where you can network with other filmmakers and grow opportunities to increase all of your exposure, both as individuals and as collectives. It’s the only way to change things in entertainment. And this is, after all…a revolution.


Get your tickets, passes and t shirts here. Remember, the deadline to pre-order t shirts is 9/1/2015

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